What does  it involve?

I will come and meet with you, usually within the comfort of your home (a cuppa is always welcome!), or we can meet at the Funeral Directors if you would prefer.

We will spend as much time together as needed, and chat about the person who has died. I will enjoy hearing your stories and your memories, focusing on everything that made the person special and unique. I can also chat with other family members and close friends, and indeed young family members, if appropriate, to hear their stories.

You may want family and close friends to participate in the service. They could contribute by reading poems, telling their own stories or providing live music, or choose a song or hymn or reading, if required. 

You may also want to consider including some different ways of celebrating and acknowledging their life.

Did they love gardening? You could all wear a flower.

Did they have a favourite football team? Maybe wear the team colours.

Did they enjoy Christmas? How about wearing a Christmas jumper (even in Summer!)

Favourite song? Have a dance.

Want to say a personal goodbye? Place a message on the coffin.

We can also think about Alternative Funeral Venues.

You may feel it's appropriate to hold the ceremony at a traditional venue such as a crematorium, which is absolutely fine. But you may want to consider a different location which you feel is more appropriate for the ceremony (and avoid time restrictions).

Is there a location which holds special memories?

Did the person love being outdoors? How about your garden? Woodlands? Field?

Did the person love a good get together? Consider village, community or sports hall.

When I feel I have a true understanding of your wishes, and we feel that I have captured the soul, spirit and essence of the person whose life is being celebrated, I will start to prepare the eulogy – which is where all of our discussions and thoughts come together; and this will be the tribute that will be read out at the ceremony.

I will also start to write the order of service, which is a printed guide, and details what will happen during the service to help people take part in the ceremony. You may wish to include photographs, or words of the poems, readings and hymns that you have chosen.

I will produce a draft of the eulogy, and the order of service for you to review, and you can make any amendments or additions you wish.

The eulogy and the order of service will only be finalised once you are happy your loved one's  life has been truly represented.